Textbook of Pathology Harsh Mohan chm: A Handy Resource for Revising and Preparing for Exams
- Who is Harsh Mohan and what are his credentials? - What is the Textbook of Pathology and what does it cover? - What is the chm format and how to access it? H2: General Pathology - What are the basic concepts and principles of general pathology? - What are the main topics covered in this section? - How does the textbook explain the mechanisms and morphology of diseases? - What are some examples of clinical cases and review questions in this section? H2: Haematopoietic and Lymphoreticular System - What are the functions and disorders of the blood and lymphatic system? - What are the main topics covered in this section? - How does the textbook describe the classification, pathophysiology and diagnosis of haematological diseases? - What are some examples of clinical cases and review questions in this section? H2: Systemic Pathology - What are the major organ systems and their diseases? - What are the main topics covered in this section? - How does the textbook illustrate the etiology, morphology and clinical aspects of systemic diseases? - What are some examples of clinical cases and review questions in this section? H2: Appendices - What are the three appendices included in the textbook? - How do they help in learning and revising pathology? - What are the features and contents of each appendix? H2: Pathology Quick Review - What is the free book that accompanies the textbook? - How does it help in preparing for exams and tests? - What are the features and contents of the book? H2: Conclusion - What are the main benefits and drawbacks of the textbook? - How does it compare to other textbooks of pathology? - Who is the target audience and how can they use it effectively? Table 2: Article with HTML formatting ```html Textbook of Pathology Harsh Mohan chm: A Comprehensive Review
If you are a medical student or a professional who wants to learn more about pathology, you might be interested in reading the Textbook of Pathology by Harsh Mohan. This is a renowned textbook that has been fully revised to provide the most up to date information on the latest developments in the field. In this article, we will review the textbook in detail and tell you everything you need to know about it.
Textbook of Pathology Harsh Mohan chm
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Pathology is the study of diseases, their causes, mechanisms, effects, diagnosis and treatment. It is a vital branch of medicine that helps us understand how our body works and what goes wrong when we get sick. Pathology also helps us prevent, cure and control diseases by developing new tests, drugs and therapies.
Harsh Mohan is a distinguished professor and head of pathology at Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh, India. He has over 40 years of experience in teaching, research and clinical practice. He has authored several books and publications on pathology and related subjects. He has also received many awards and honors for his contributions to medical education and service.
The Textbook of Pathology is one of his most popular books. It was first published in 1992 and has since been updated regularly to reflect the current knowledge and advances in pathology. The eighth edition was published in 2018 by Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. It is divided into three sections General Pathology, Haematopoietic and Lymphoreticular System, and Systemic Pathology covering numerous diseases, their causes, mechanisms, pathophysiology, classification, morphology, and clinical aspects. Each topic concludes with a summary of key points and features photographs, diagrams and tables. Each chapter also features review questions and many include a clinical case related to the topic. The textbook is accompanied by a free book Pathology Quick Review which features MCQs with answers and explanations.
The chm format is a compressed HTML file that can be opened by various software applications such as Microsoft HTML Help, Sumatra PDF, Calibre, etc. It is a convenient way to access the textbook on your computer or mobile device. You can download the chm file of the textbook from various online sources or convert it from other formats such as pdf, epub, mobi, etc.
General Pathology
General pathology is the foundation of pathology that deals with the basic concepts and principles of disease processes. It covers topics such as cell injury, inflammation, immunity, neoplasia, genetic disorders, environmental pathology, etc. It helps us understand how diseases affect the body at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels.
The textbook covers general pathology in eight chapters, each with a clear and concise introduction, objectives, outline and summary. The chapters are:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Pathology
Chapter 2: Techniques for the Study of Pathology
Chapter 3: Cell Injury and Cellular Adaptations
Chapter 4: Immunopathology Including Amyloidosis
Chapter 5: Derangements of Homeostasis and Haemodynamics
Chapter 6: Inflammation and Healing
Chapter 7: Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Chapter 8: Neoplasia
The textbook explains the mechanisms and morphology of diseases in a simple and logical manner, using examples and illustrations to aid comprehension. It also highlights the clinical relevance and implications of the pathological findings. For instance, in chapter 3, it discusses how cell injury can lead to necrosis or apoptosis, how these processes differ in their morphology and consequences, and how they can be detected by various methods such as histology, biochemistry, immunohistochemistry, etc. It also relates cell injury to various diseases such as ischemia, hypoxia, toxins, infections, etc.
The textbook also provides many clinical cases and review questions at the end of each chapter to test your knowledge and understanding of the topics. The clinical cases are based on real-life scenarios that illustrate how pathology can help in diagnosis and management of patients. The review questions are in the form of MCQs, SAQs and LAQs that cover the important concepts and facts of the chapter. The answers and explanations for these questions are given in appendix 2.
Haematopoietic and Lymphoreticular System
The haematopoietic and lymphoreticular system is the system that produces and regulates the blood cells and the immune system. It consists of organs such as bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, etc. It is responsible for various functions such as oxygen transport, coagulation, immunity, etc. It is also affected by various diseases such as anaemia, leukaemia, lymphoma, etc.
The textbook covers this system in six chapters, each with a clear and concise introduction, objectives, outline and summary. The chapters are:
Chapter 9: Introduction to Haematopoietic System and Disorders of Erythroid Series
Chapter 10: Disorders of Platelets Bleeding Disorders and Basic Coagulation Mechanism
Chapter 11: Disorders of Leucocytes
Chapter 12: Lymphoid Tissue
Chapter 13: Blood Vessels
Chapter 14: The Heart
```html inherited disorders, etc.) and their effects on the red blood cell morphology (microcytic, macrocytic, normocytic, etc.). It also explains how to diagnose anaemia using various tests such as haemoglobin estimation, red cell indices, peripheral blood smear, bone marrow examination, etc.
The textbook also provides many clinical cases and review questions at the end of each chapter to test your knowledge and understanding of the topics. The clinical cases are based on real-life scenarios that illustrate how pathology can help in diagnosis and management of patients. The review questions are in the form of MCQs, SAQs and LAQs that cover the important concepts and facts of the chapter. The answers and explanations for these questions are given in appendix 2.
Systemic Pathology
Systemic pathology is the branch of pathology that deals with the diseases of specific organ systems. It covers topics such as respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, liver and biliary tract, pancreas, kidney and urinary tract, male and female genital system, endocrine system, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, skin, etc. It helps us understand how diseases affect the body at the organ and system levels.
The textbook covers systemic pathology in 16 chapters, each with a clear and concise introduction, objectives, outline and summary. The chapters are:
Chapter 15: The Respiratory System
Chapter 16: The Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 17: Liver and Biliary Tract
Chapter 18: The Pancreas
Chapter 19: The Kidney and Lower Urinary Tract
Chapter 20: The Male Reproductive System
Chapter 21: The Female Genital Tract
Chapter 22: The Breast
Chapter 23: The Endocrine System
Chapter 24: The Skin
Chapter 25: Bones Joints Soft Tissues and Skeletal Muscles
Chapter 26: Peripheral Nerve and Skeletal Muscle
Chapter 27: The Central Nervous System
Chapter 28: The Eye
Chapter 29: Environmental Pathology
Chapter 30: Nutritional Disorders
The textbook illustrates the etiology, morphology and clinical aspects of systemic diseases in a detailed and comprehensive way, using examples and illustrations to aid comprehension. It also highlights the clinical relevance and implications of the pathological findings. For instance, in chapter 15, it discusses the various diseases of the respiratory system such as infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, interstitial lung diseases, lung cancer, etc. It also describes how to diagnose these diseases using various methods such as history taking, physical examination, chest radiography, pulmonary function tests, bronchoscopy, biopsy, etc.
The textbook also provides many clinical cases and review questions at the end of each chapter to test your knowledge and understanding of the topics. The clinical cases are based on real-life scenarios that illustrate how pathology can help in diagnosis and management of patients. The review questions are in the form of MCQs, SAQs and LAQs that cover the important concepts and facts of the chapter. The answers and explanations for these questions are given in appendix 2.
The textbook includes three appendices at the end of the book that provide additional information and resources for learning and revising pathology. They are:
```html breast, lymph node, etc.
Appendix 2: Answers and Discussion on Clinical Cases and Review Questions This appendix provides the answers and explanations for the clinical cases and review questions given at the end of each chapter. It helps you check your answers and understand the rationale behind them. It also provides references for further reading on the topics.
Appendix 3: Normal Values This appendix provides the normal values of various laboratory tests and parameters that are commonly used in pathology and clinical practice. It helps you interpret the results and compare them with the normal ranges.
Pathology Quick Review
The textbook is accompanied by a free book called Pathology Quick Review which is a handy guide for revising and preparing for exams and tests. It features MCQs with answers and explanations that cover the entire syllabus of pathology. It is divided into three sections General Pathology, Haematopoietic and Lymphoreticular System, and Systemic Pathology corresponding to the sections of the textbook. Each section has multiple chapters with 10 MCQs each. The answers and explanations are given at the end of each chapter.
The book helps you assess your knowledge and understanding of pathology in a quick and easy way. It also helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses and improve your performance. The book is designed to match the pattern and level of various exams such as USMLE, NEET-PG, AIIMS-PG, etc.
The Textbook of Pathology Harsh Mohan chm is a comprehensive and authoritative book that covers all aspects of pathology in a clear and concise way. It is written by an experienced and renowned author who has a deep understanding of the subject and its applications. It is updated regularly to reflect the latest developments and advances in the field. It is accompanied by a free book that helps you revise and prepare for exams.
The textbook has many benefits such as:
It covers the entire syllabus of pathology in a systematic and comprehensive way.
It explains the concepts and principles of pathology in a simple and logical manner.
It illustrates the morphology and mechanisms of diseases in high-quality photographs and diagrams.
It highlights the clinical relevance and implications of the pathological findings.
It provides many clinical cases and review questions to test your knowledge and understanding.
It includes three appendices that provide additional information and resources.
The textbook also has some drawbacks such as:
It is a large and heavy book that may be difficult to carry around.
It may contain some errors or inaccuracies that need to be corrected in future editions.
It may not cover some topics or details that are relevant for specific exams or regions.
The textbook is suitable for anyone who wants to learn or teach pathology. It is especially useful for medical students, residents, teachers, researchers, clinicians, etc. It can be used as a reference book for studying or as a guide for teaching or practicing pathology. It can also be used as a source of information for writing articles or reports on pathology.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between pathology and pathophysiology?
Pathology is the study of diseases, their causes, mechanisms, effects, diagnosis and treatment. Pathophysiology is the study of how diseases affect the normal functioning of the body at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ and system levels.
What are the types of pathology?
There are two main types of pathology: general pathology and systemic pathology. General pathology deals with the basic concepts and principles of disease processes. Systemic pathology deals with the diseases of specific organ systems.
What are the methods of studying pathology?
There are various methods of studying pathology such as histology, cytology, biochemistry, immunology, molecular biology, genetics, etc. These methods help in examining the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs and systems in health and disease.
What are the applications of pathology?
Pathology has many applications such as diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prevention, research, education, etc. Pathology helps in identifying the nature and cause of diseases, predicting their outcome and response to therapy, developing new tests, drugs and therapies, preventing and controlling diseases, advancing the knowledge and understanding of diseases, and teaching and training the next generation of pathologists and other health professionals.
How can I access the Textbook of Pathology Harsh Mohan chm?
You can access the Textbook of Pathology Harsh Mohan chm by downloading it from various online sources or converting it from other formats such as pdf, epub, mobi, etc. You can also buy the hard copy of the textbook from various online or offline stores. You can open the chm file using various software applications such as Microsoft HTML Help, Sumatra PDF, Calibre, etc.